Sudersands SVIF hostel on Fårö

Address: 0498-22 35 36, Sudersand, Fårö, 62467 Fårö
Location: Gotland
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Directions: Take road 148 from Visby to Fårösund. Catch the free of charge ferry from Fårösund to Fårö. Drive approx. 18 km to Sudersand. When you comes to a four road crossing, drive 800 meters more and then turn right. You will then have Sudersands Semesterby and the reception right ahead of you.

Opening hour: (reception) Peak season 9-20.
Check in: 15:00-20:00
Check out: 09:00-12:00
Off season: 9-15, weekends 9-12.
N.B Check in off season - call before 12 o'clock the day befre arrival for key information.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 57.95531
Longitude: 19.25148
Latitude: 57° 57' 19"
Longitude: 19° 15' 5"



  • • Close to the coast
  • • No extra booking fees
  • • Secure online payment



  • • Close to the coast
  • • No extra booking fees
  • • Secure online payment
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