Sudersands Strandcamping, Fårö

Address: Sudersand PL 5802, 624 67 Fårö
Location: Gotland
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Directions: Follow road 148 from Visby to Fårösund. Take the ferry which is free from Fårösund across the channel to Fårö. Continue about 18 km. At Sudersand, at a major 4-way intersection, turn right. Follow the road straight down towards the beach and you come to Sudersands Camping.

You can also get a bus to us with Swebuss, bus stop is on Sudersand. However only between mid-June to mid August.

Opening hour:
Peak season:9-20.
Check in: 15:00-20:00
Check out: 09:00-11:00

Off season: When the reception at the campisite is closed the check in is in Sudersands Semesterby (cottages) reception, 900 meters from the campsite.
N.B Check in off season - call before 12 o'clock the day befre arrival for key information.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 57.95268443
Longitude: 19.24335572
Latitude: 57° 57' 10"
Longitude: 19° 14' 36"



  • • Close to the coast
  • • No extra booking fees
  • • Secure online payment



  • • Close to the coast
  • • No extra booking fees
  • • Secure online payment
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